
       A little cu-tie that loves to play and be babysat. Even you know he is the brother of jennet he has a warm heart and a cute smile that will warm you up. He says "Hap Easter".
Michael Parkway
   When Michael was 3 his dad died, so he has been living with his dad. He loves going out for a diving swim and has loved working with us on the cast. He studying minerals and can calculate how far a rock as moved in a thousand years. 1 year later he met Raquel and Stacey, but when he found out what happened to stacey, Ariel has been transformed by the river he studies how that happened. He says "Happy Easter".
Jennet can't keep her shoes clean because every day the problem maker comes around braging on how much money she has and pays her friends. She might have a nice simle on the outside but, inside shes a devel. Shes says "Eat ON Easter".